Hi Everybody!! Another great program is up on the website for you to enjoy. It’s a regular edition of the program with lots of great vintage and modern Jewish music brought to you for your enjoyment!!  It’s sure to add something great to your week!  Don’t forget to be our ambassadors and spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio. Forward the website to everyone you can. Our internet presence is growing!! With your help, thousands of people around the world are enjoying the show each week. Ben and I thank you all for that!!


Ooray Vonim-Toronto Boys Choir-1974

D’vai-Avromi Flam-2000

Shir Tamim-Gali Atari-1975

Veiber, A Gezint Auf Eich (Wives, Good Health To You)-Aaron Lebedeff-1923

A Better World-Ira Heller-1997

Yome, Yome-Fraydeleh Oysher and Marilyn Michaels-1958

Blame It On The Bubba Basra (spoof of the famous Eydie Gorme hit “Blame It On The Bossa Nova”)-Country Yossi-1982

Chicken Flickers Ball-Lee Tully-1960

Ivdu Es Hashem B’Simcha-Yaffa Gutman-1988

Az Mashiach Vet Kimmen (When The Messiah Will Come)-Jenny Kessler-1964

V’Haviainu L’Tzion-Zohar-1988

V’Hu K’Choson-Nidvorno Nigunim-1984

On the Cantorial Feature two very nice selections by Cantor Sol Zim, one of the foremost Chazzanim of the last generation, still active today. They are from a very fine 1982 album called “The Joy Of Cantorial Prayer”. He is accompanied by the orchestra of the late Bob Reisenman.

1. Shema Yisroel

2. Ani Ma’amin


B’Eilokim-Berry Webber

Eliyahu Ha Novi-Moshav Band

Oy (spoof of “Yeah” by Chris Brown)-David Brody

Barchu (spoof of the Cee Lo Green hit “Forget You”)-Jew Man Group

Hashem Li V’Lo Yirah-Chevra

Wherever You Go There’s Always Someone Jewish-Rabbi Larry Milder

So there’s the lineup and we hope you enjoy the program. The next two weeks programs will be our special programs for Chanukah. I know, I can’t believe how early it is either. But we have to live with the calendar, so the Chanukah shows are on their way. Ben and I thank you all very much for your support!!  Enjoy the show!!