Hi Everybody!! With the holiday season behind us now, we have for your enjoyment a regular edition of the program. A fine mixture of the finest in vintage and modern Jewish music culled from our family archive of over 110 years of great recordings! Ben and I appreciate all of the great feedback on the holiday programs and we hope you enjoy this regular edition as well!! Don’t forget to spread the good word about the program by forwarding the website to everyone you can!! Here’s the lineup for this week’s program:


Yehi Hachodesh Hazeh-Meir Sherman-1983

B’chu Botchi-Belz Chassidic Choir-1984

At V’ani Noladnu-Edna Lev-1973

A Vu Tut Er Vey (Where Does It Hurt)-Jerry Heffron and his Orchestra with the Jimmie Nola Singers-1949

Sh’ma Hashem-Montreal Boys Choir-1987

Haneshomo Loch-Cantor Arele Diamond (1920-1975)-1948

Husband and Wife (spoof of the Backstreet Boys hit “Larger Than Life”)-Variations-1998

Gin Rummy-Jacob and Betty Jacobs-1948

Yerusholayim-Mendy Wald-1997

Geven A Tzeit (There Was A Time)-Yiddish reworking of the American 1966 hit “Those Were The Days” by Miriam Hopkin. Sung by Teddi Schwartz-1967

Shalom Aleichem-Regesh-1985

Der Kleintchik’n Shneiderel (The Little Tailor)-Menasha Oppenheim-1938

On the Cantorial feature, two very nice selections by Cantor Samuel Dubrow, a very fine Chazzan of the preceding generation. Born in Philadelphia in 1916, he studied music and chazzanut growing up. He served in the Army during World War II and won the Bronze Star for bravery. After the war he continued his studies in music at the Paris Conservatory. In 1958 he became Cantor of the prestigious Temple Beth El of Cedarhurst, Long Island. He held this position until his untimely passing at the age of 58 in 1974. On today’s Cantorial Feature, we hear two selections from a 1962 album made for Tikva Records, featuring Cantor Dubrow and the shul’s choir.

1. L’Chu Neraneno

2. Hashkiveinu


Im Eshkokeich Yerushalayim-Yaakov Shwekey

Naar Hayisi-Shalsheles, Jr.

Shariot Shel Chayim-Idan Rachel Project

Kol Hamispaleil-Yeshiva Boys Choir

B’Elokim Botachti-Berry Webber

Hu Yevoreich-Yosef Chaim Shwekey

Well, that’s the line-up for this week’s program and Ben and I hope you enjoy the show! Next week, another great regular edition of the program will be coming your way! In the meantime, thanks for listening and have a great week!!