Hi Everybody!! The Second Chanukah program is up on the website for your enjoyment! Finish up the Chanukah celebration with two more hours of the finest vintage and modern Chanukah music, presented in our unique and historical manner, which you are sure to enjoy!! Ben and I thank you for all your support and we remind you to spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio by forwarding the website to everyone you can. Ben and I wish you all a very happy 2017, and look forward to bringing you another great year of programs for you to enjoy!!


Happy Chanukah-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1954

Chanukah Medley-Miami Boys Choir-1997

Eight Days Of Chanukah-US Navy Band and Sea Chanters Choir-1981

Pischu Li-Tz’lil V’Zemer Boys Choir-1988

Chanukah-Paul Zim-1985

Chanukah Night’s Alright For Lightin’ (spoof of the Elton John hit “Saturday Night’s Alright For Fightin’)-Shlock Rock-1997

Cirba-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1954

Yevonim Nik’btzu Alai-Belz Chassidic Choir–1983

Al Hanisim-Amudai Shaish Boys Choir-1978

Candles Of The Menorah-Safam-1995

Haneiros Halalu-Ben Zion Shenker-1980

Mizmor Shir Chanukas Habayis-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1954

Menorah-Avi Kuntsler-1984

Maoz Tzur-Cantor Pierre Pinchik-1930

Kol Rinah-Avromi Flam-1997

Al Hanisim-Part Two-Sol Zim-1979


Al Hanisim-The Maccabeats and 613

Chanukah Blessings-Bare Naked Ladies

Hanukah Song (Part 3)- Adam Sandler

Ana Hashem-Chevra

Light Up The Night-Fountainheads

Chanukah Medley-Kol Zimrah

Well, that’s the line-up for this special program, and Ben and I hope you enjoy it!! Next week, we’ll be back with a regular edition of the program which you are sure to enjoy. In the meantime, have a great week and be with us then!!