Hi Everybody!! Another great program is up on the website for your enjoyment!! A regular edition of the program with our special mixture of vintage and modern Jewish music culled from our family archive of over 110 years of great recordings!! Ben and I appreciate all the great support we get from you, our great listeners and we remind you to forward the website to everyone you can!! Here is the line-up for this week’s program. We hope you enjoy it!!


Habeit Mishomayim Urei-Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky-1951

Yibuneh Hamikdosh-Zisha Shmelczer-1987

Bakashti-Nava Baruchin-1978

Litvak Polka-Eli Basse-1951

Ah Git Shabbes-Belz Chassidic Choir-1984

Vehu Rachum-Cantor Sid Dworkin-1990

Headaches (spoof of the Ted Weems hit “Heartaches”)-Allan Sherman-1963

Koif Ah Cabana (spoof of the Barry Manilow hit “Copacabana”)-Rechnitzer Rejects-1985

And None Shall Make  Them Afraid-Kenny Karen-1973

Bo’ee B’Sholom-Neshoma Orchestra and Singers-1987

Mishtetske Lodinu-Joey Adams-1964

On this week’s Cantorial feature, I gratefully acknowledge my good friend and colleague, Charlie Bernhaut, host of “Two Hours Of Jewish Soul” which can be heard at charliebernhaut.com. It’s a great show and I recommend it highly!! In 1981, Cantor Paul Zim released a cassette called “A Tribute To My Father”. It has never been re-issued. My copy of it is “lost” somewhere in the archive and I can’t find it. Charlie was kind enough to make me a copy of his on a CD and sent to me. So on the Cantorial Feature, here are two selections from the album. You will enjoy them very much!!

1. Rom V’Niso

2. Ato Chonein


Our Father-Yaakov Shwekey

Ivdu Es Hashem-Yeshiva Boys Choir and the Chevra

Chiribim, Chiribom-Oyf Simchas

Simcha Medley-613

Hinei Ma Tov-Miami Boys Choir

Never Give Up-Safam

Well, that’s the line-up for this week and Ben and I hope you enjoy the show!! Next week is our special program for Purim. It features the best vintage and modern selections for Purim. Until then, thanks for listening and have a great week!!