Hi Everybody!! The first of five complete holiday programs is up on the website for you to enjoy!! A special program of music for the Slichos service. On the program are some very nice live recordings taken from actual Slichos services. Lots of great music to set the stage for the holiday season. Ben and I hope you enjoy the program!!

PROGRAM OF SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2013-Special Holiday Program #1-Slichos

L’Chu Neranena-Chicago Pirchei Choir-1982

Shomer Yisroel-Reb Yankel Erblich-1995

Achas Shoalty-Cantor Sholom Katz-1968

B’Motzoei Menucha-Cantor Avi Albrecht and Choir-Recorded live at Beth Tfiloh Congregation, Baltimore, Md. in 2001

Hashto Bagoloh-Cantor Leibele Waldman-1956

Shema Koleinu-Cantor Benjamin Warshawsky and Choir-1997

Retzai Asirosom-Cantor Shabsai Ackerman and the Oscar Julius Choir-1958

L’Chu Neranena-Cantor Jeffrey Nadel and the Beth Sholom Choir. Recorded live at Beth Sholom Congregation in Washington, D.C. in 1992.

Chassidic Kaddish-Cantor David Kusevitzky and Choir-1952

T’Vienu-Cantor Abraham Denburg and Choir. Recorded live at B’nai Israel Congregation, Baltimore, Md. in 2002.

Rachmono D’Onay-Cantor Abraham Denburg and Choir, Dr. Steve Glasser, soloist. Also recorded at B’nai Israel Congregation in Baltimore, Md. in 2002.

Aneinu-Cantor Ihil Gildin-1960


Ashrei-Yeshiva Boys Choir


Shema Koleinu-The Chevra

Lev Tahor-The Chevra

Avinu Malkeinu-Gad Elbaz

Chassidic Kaddish-Safam

A great program for you to enjoy with great music and some rare and priceless recordings on it!!  A perfect way to begin the holiday season!  Don’t forget to be our ambassadors and spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio. Forward the website to everyone you can. And be sure to check out our Facebook page and Youtube channel as well.  Ben and I thank you for your help and we hope you enjoy the program!!