Hi Everybody!! Another great program in the Holiday series is up on the website for your enjoyment!! A complete program of music for the holiday of Yom Kippur. With great vintage and modern selections, it will add something very special to your observance of this most solemn yet happiest of days. Ben and I hope you enjoy it!!

PROGRAM OF SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2013-Special Holiday Program #3-Yom Kippur

Bird Of Hope-Mordechai Ben David-1979

Zochreinu L’Chayim-Cantor Sholom Katz-1954

Shema Koleinu-Jan Peerce-1966

Avinu Malkeinu-Bonei Yerushalayim Trio-1976

Ya’aleh-Cantor Moishe Oysher and the Abraham Nadel Choir-1954

V’Af Hoyu Miskavein-Cantors Yaakov Motzen and Ben-Zion Miller-1993

Yom Kippur-Ray Middleton-1954

Unesaneh Tokef-Cantor Meir Finklestein-2010

B’Rosh Hashanah-Cantor Samuel Malavsky and Family Choir-1948

Ki Hinei Kachomer-Lev Nefesh-1990

Saarfei Maloh-Cantor Leibele Waldman-1960

Al Chet-Cantor Samuel Malavsky and Family Choir-1947

Uveshofor Godol-Cantor Udi and Varda Spielman-2012

Kol Nidrei-Richard Tucker-1945


Unetaneh Tokef-Cantor Shai Abramson and the IDF Orchestra and Choir

Book Of Good Life (spoof of “Good Life” by One Republic)-Maccabeats

Overboard (Jonah’s Song)-Josh Nelson

Aneini-Blue Fringe

A great program to add a special dimension to your observance of Yom Kippur. Don’t forget to spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio by forwarding the website to everyone you can!! We really appreciate the support of our listeners. Ben and I wish you an easy fast and a meaningful Yom Kippur. On next week’s show music for Sukkos as the holiday programming rolls on!! Thanks again for listening!!