Hi Everybody!! Another great holiday program is up on the website for you to enjoy!! Ben and I hope you had a great Yom Kippur and as the holidays roll on, so does Washington Jewish Radio!! Here is program number 4 in the holiday series. It is a complete program of great music for the Sukkos holiday. Lots of rare and fine vintage and modern Jewish music to add something special to your holiday. Ben and I hope you enjoy it!!

PROGRAM OF SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013-Special Holiday Program #4-Sukkos

L’Shonoh Haboh B’Yirushalayim-Mordechai Ben David-1977

Achas Shoalty-Mendy Wald-1999

Succos In Jerusalem-Megama-1982

Pischu Li-Tzlil V’Zemer-1988

Shake, Shukkel and Bowl (spoof of the Jerry Lee Lewis hit “Shake, Rattle and Roll”)-Rechnitzer Rejects-1985

All Shook Up (spoof of the Elvis Presley hit of the same name)-Shlock Rock-1987

Horachamon Hu Yislach Lanu-Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach-1978

Hoshannos-Cantor Samuel Malavsky and Family Choir-1949

Kol Rinah-Yisroel Williger-1996

Ato Vechartanu-Belz Chassidic Choir-1981

Boruch Haboh-Miami Boys Choir-1990

V’Koreiv P’Zurenu-Shmilu Rosenberg-1982

Min Hameitzar-Cantor Steven Berke and choir-1996

Ah Sukeleh-Michoel Streicher-1995

Mo Oshiv-Cantor Herman Malamood (1932-1989)-1977

V’Seh Erav-Cantor Shabsai Ackerman (1914-2007)-1958

Pischu Li-Ben Zion Shenker-1975


Anah Hashem-Chevra

Living In A Booth (spoof of “Marry You” by Bruno Mars)-Fountain Heads

B’tzeit Yisrael-Yehoram Gaon

Shakin’ The Lulav (spoof of “Twist and Shout”)-Shemesh Group

Hodu-Debbie Friedman

A great show to add something special to your holiday. Ben and I hope you enjoy the show and we remind you to please help spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio. Forward the website to everyone you can and help to bring this great music to more and more people. Next week, we will have the final program in this holiday series with a special show for Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah before we return to regular shows with the program of Sept. 29th. Thanks for listening and enjoy!!