Hi Everybody!! Another great program is up on the website for you to enjoy!!  Lots of rare and fine vintage and modern Jewish music for you in a regular edition of the program that you are sure to enjoy!! Ben and I hope that you enjoy the show and it brightens your week!!


V’Sim Chelkainu-Jewish Education Project-1974

Ato Vechartanu-Gideon Levine-1990

Shir Nolad-Uzi Meiri-1979

Cantor On The Sabbath-Al Jolson-1947

V’Sein Libenu-Rabbi Chaim Banet & Vizhnitz Choir-1986

The Journey Is Old-1982

Balabustas (spoof of the Roy Orbison hit “Pretty Woman”)-Guns and Charoses-1994

The Shteibel Hop (spoof of “Monster Mash” by Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers)-Country Yossi-1984

L’Cho Dodi-Ben Zion Shenker-1972

Mu Asapru-Theodore Bikel-1958

Here On This Mountain-Avi Kuntsler-1997

Yiboneh Hamikdosh-Martin Davidson-1977

On the Cantorial Feature, two very nice selections by Cantor Uri Frenkel (1915-1995), a very fine Chazzan of the preceding generation. Born in Hungary, he came to England as a child and later came to the United States after the war. He served congregations in New York, Pittsburgh and later Los Angeles. He appeared in the 1981 remake of “The Jazz Singer ” with Neil Diamond. On today’s program two very rare selections from a series that he made for the Disc company in New York in 1951.

1. Ki Lekach Tov

2. Shema Yisroel


Hinei Ma Tov-Shalsheles

V’Hoyu Limshisho-613

Meheira (to the tune of “Cheers”)-AKA Pella

Es Panecha-Chevra

Beautiful World-Sam Glaser

Ashrei-Yeshiva Boys Choir

All in all, a great program for you to enjoy!! Don’t forget to be our ambassadors-forward the website to everyone you can and spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio.  Ben and I prepare each show with the greatest of love and affection for you-our great listeners and we hope you enjoy it!!