Hi Everybody!! Another great edition of Washington Jewish Radio is up on the website for your enjoyment.  Another great mix of the finest and rarest vintage and modern Jewish music on a regular edition of the show.  Ben and I hope you enjoy the program and that it brightens your week!!


Mikimi Meofor Dol-Jonathan Koren-1980

Al Zos Shibchu Ahuvim-Yonasan-1988

Hashir Al Eretz Sinai-Shlomo Artzi-1972

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena-The Weavers-1951

It’s Min Hashomayim-Miami Boys Choir-1990

Mayerkeh, Mein Zun-Jan Peerce-1960

Ich Bin Ah Fartiker (I Am One Who Is Ready)-David Eshet-1958

Krias Hatorah (spoof of the Madonna hit “Isla La Bonita”)-Shlock Rock-1989

Oy Gevalt (spoof of the Beatles hit “Ob La Di, Ob La Da”)-The Yeadles-1984

Esso Einai El Hehorim-Cantor David Werdyger and Shmuel Zanvil Werdyger-1985

Dus Reydeleh Dreit Zich (The Wheel Turns)-Pinie Goldstein-1960

Simcho L’Artzecho-Yossi Fordsham-1990

Chicken-Paul Zim-1996

On the Cantorial Feature, two very nice selections by Cantor Misha Alexandrovitch (1914-2002). In the 1930’s he was known as one of the foremost Cantors in the Soviet Union. Due to the repressive nature of the Soviet government, for many years he was unable to function as a Cantor but became one of the most well-known singers in the Soviet Union. In 1971 he was able to emigrate to Israel and he later lived in the United States and spent the last few years of his life in Germany.  He passed away in 2002. On this program, we hear two selections recorded for RCA Victor upon his arrival in Israel.

1.  Hatei Elokai Oznecho-1972

2. Yehi Rotzon-1973


Ranenu Tzadikim-Shalsheles, Jr.

Baruch Ha Gever-Lev Tahor

Ahavat Rishonah-Ha Achim V’Achayot

Eishes Chayil-Yehuda

Chiribim, Chiribom-Auf Simchas

Im Eshkochet Yirushalayim-Tizmoret

Another great show for you and we hope you enjoy it!!  Don’t forget to forward the website to everyone you can. Help spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio as Ben and I continue to make new friends around the world!!

On next week’s program, a special Anniversary show as Shari and I will celebrate our 25 th anniversary on November 12th. Lots of great music about weddings and everything that goes with it!! It’s an anniversary card from me to Shari and you all are invited to listen in!! In the meantime, have a great week and thanks again for your support!!