Hi Everybody and a Happy Chanukah to you all!  The second of our special Chanukah programs is up on the website for you to enjoy. The finest and rarest of the best in Chanukah music designed to bring a special sparkle to your enjoyment of this most festive of holidays!! It’s a great group of special music that you can’t hear anywhere else!!  So have a great Chanukah and enjoy the show!!


Happy Chanukah-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1954

Chanukah Medley-Miami Boys Choir-1997

Eight Days Of Chanukah (set to the melody of  “Those Were The Days”, a 1966 hit by Miriam Hopkin)-United States Navy Band and Sea Chanters Choir-1981

Pischu Li-Tzlil V’Zemer-1988

Chanukah-Paul Zim-1985

Chanukah Night’s Alright For Lightin’ (spoof of the Elton John hit “Saturday Night’s Alright For Fightin’)-Shlock Rock-1997

Cirba-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1954

Yivonim Nik’btzu Alai-Belz Chassidic Choir-1983

Al Hanisim-Amudai Shaish Boys Choir-1978

Candles Of The Menorah-Safam-1995

Haneiros Halalu-Ben Zion Shenker-1980

Menorah-Avi Kuntsler-1984

Mizmor Shir Chanukas Habayis (Psalm 30)-Cantor Moishe Oysher, Marilyn Michaels and the Abe Ellstein Orchestra and Chorus-1954

Maoz Tzur-Cantor Pierre Pinchik-1930

Kol Rinah-Avromi Flam-1997

Al Hanisim, Part 2-Sol Zim-1979


Thanksgivukah Medley-Maccabeats


Chanukah Song, Parts 2 and 3-Adam Sandler

Jewish Rock Of Ages-Aish.com

Light Up The Night-Fountainheads

Al Hanisim-Maccabeats and 613

Ben and I hope very much that you enjoy the show and that you have a great rest of Chanukah. Next week, we will have a regular edition of the program which you are sure to enjoy!  Again we thank you for your support. Keep spreading the good word about Washington Jewish Radio. Forward the website to everyone you can. Ben and I prepare the show each week with the greatest of love and affection for you, our great listeners!!  Have a great week and thanks again for listening!!