Hi Everybody!! Another great edition of the program is up on the website for your enjoyment!! A special program of music for the holiday of Shavuos which will be observed this Sunday and Monday. A complete program of the finest vintage and modern selections guaranteed to bring a special dimension to your enjoyment of this most festive holiday! Ben and I hope you enjoy it and that you continue to spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio by forwarding the website to everyone you can.  We appreciate it!! Here is the line-up for this week’s special program:


Ato Vechartonu-Ben Zion Shenker-1980

Vesomachto Bechagecho-Tz’lil V’Zemer Boys Choir-1991

Torah, Torah Mi Sinai-Cantor Ben Zion Miller-1977

Torah Tzivoh Lonu-Baltimore Pirchei Choir-1978

K’Ish Echod, B’Lev Echod-Shloime Dachs-2000

The Place Where I Belong-Journeys-1984

All Night Long (spoof of the Lionel Richie hit of the same name)-Shlock Rock-1989

Baruch Haboh-Amudai Shaish Boys Choir-1977

T’ka-V’Koreiv-V’Havieinu-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1950

Shavuos-Ray Middleton-1954

Di Toireh-Avraham Fried-1992

Ki Mitziyon-Eartha Kitt-1957

Uv’nucho Yomar-Cantor Joseph Malovany-1978

V’Seorav-Cantor Shabsai Ackerman-1958

Hodu La’shem-Safam-1980


Ano Hashem-Chevra

613 Commandments-Debbie Friedman

Moses At Mount Sinai-Shalom Sesame

Stay Up All Night-Torah Tango

Rock The Torah-from “Raising Hope”

Eitz Chayim Hi-Blue Fringe

Well, that’s the line-up for this week’s special program. This coming week, because of the configuration of yuntif on Sunday and Monday, we will skip the program of June 12th and we will be back on Sunday, June 19th with a special Father’s Day program which you are sure to enjoy!! Lots of great music to celebrate Dad on his special day and I will present a special tribute to my father, Nathan Shor, a”h. In the meantime, have a great week and have a great Shavuos holiday as well. Thanks for listening!!