Hi Everybody!! Another great program is up on the website for your enjoyment!! It is a special program for Father’s Day with lots of rare, poignant and special music as we pay tribute to Dad on his big day!! I will also pay special tribute to my own father, Nathan Shor (1927-2004). It is a unique program which you are sure to enjoy!! Ben and I thank you all for your support of the program and we remind you to spread the good word about the program by forwarding the website to everyone you can!!

At the beginning of the program, Ben presents a special tribute to those who were murdered last week in Orlando. A famous version of the commandment “V’Ahavta Leraicho Komocho”- to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Good advice in these troubled times. This is the famous version of the Yeshiva Boys Choir.


Papa, Play For Me-Joel Grey-1960

Uv’yom Hashabbos-Cantors Tevele and Jordan Cohen-1959


Ki V’Simcho-Cantor David Werdyger and his sons-1984

Papa, Can You Hear Me?-Cantor Mayer Davis-1991

Father To Son-Paul Zim-1982

Papa-Sol Zim-1983

My Grandfather And I-Avi Kuntsler-1984. Dedicated to my maternal grandfather, Myer Ehrlich, z’l  (1909-1991).

My Zayde-Megama-1980

Heroes-Nafsheinu-1996. Dedicated to my paternal grandfather, Louis Shor, z’l  (1897-1947).

My Yiddishe Papa-Paul Zim-1979

Oh! My Pa-pa-Eddie Fisher-1952


Ani Kerosi Cho-Eli and Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner

Tov L’Hodos-Shalsheles and Shalsheles, Jr.

Cats In The Cradle-Sam Glaser

Birkas Avicho-Dovid Gabay

Our Father-Yaakov Shwekey

On next week’s program will be our special program for the 4th of July, in which we pay tribute to our wonderful country in which we are so privileged to live by opening up the treasure chest of vintage American and Jewish radio programs for a special treat of living Jewish American history. It is a program you don’t want to miss! Until next week, then, have a great week and thanks for listening!!