Hi Everybody!! Another great program is up on the website for your enjoyment!! A great, regular edition of the program filled with our unique blend of the finest in vintage and modern Jewish music culled from our family archive of over 110 years of great recordings. Ben and I appreciate all of your great support and we remind you to help spread the word about the program by forwarding the website to everyone you can.  Here is the line-up for this week’s program:


Ki Vesimcho-Pirchei Agudas Yisroel-1970

Sisu V’Simchu-Vizhnitz Choir-1993

Od V’Od-Ilana Avital-1983

Mein Goldeleh-Michal Michalesko and Fannie Lubritzky-1924

Lo’Keil Asher Shovas-Martin Davidson-1992

Lo Omus-Cantor Moshe Ganchoff-1960

Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max (spoof of “Shake Hands With Your Uncle Mike”)-Allan Sherman-1962

Coney Island Wedding-Leo Fuchs-1951

Hatov-Meir Sherman-1985

Ein Kelohenu-Jack Elliot Orchestra and Chorus-1960

G-tt Fun Avraham-Yehuda-1994

Ki Simachtoni-Neshoma Singers and Orchestra-1982

Der Rebbe Elimelech-Seymour Rechtzeit-1952

Adir Adireinu-Tz’lil V’Zemer Boys Choir-1998

On the Cantorial Feature, two very nice selections by a fine Chazzan of the preceding generation, Cantor Abraham Wolkin. Born in New York in 1918, he studied music and became a Cantor while still in his teens. In 1939, he joined the Metropolitan Opera Chorus. From 1952 until 1988, he was the Cantor of the famous Brown’s hotel in the Catskills. He was also the Cantor of the Chateau D’Or Catering Hall in Brooklyn. He passed away in 2015, at the age of 96. The two selections are from a 1957 Tikva album.

1. Umipnei Chatoenu

2. Tal


Ashrei-Yeshiva Boys Choir

Mi Shebeyrach-Debbie Friedman


Im Nin Alu-Ofra Haza

Mitoch Ha Lev-Maidad Tassa

Yachad-Istvad Alabeinu and Kobe Peretz

Well, that’s the line-up for this week’s program and we hope you enjoy the show! Have a great week and thanks for listening!!