Hi Everybody!! Another great edition of the program is up on the website for your enjoyment! A great regular program filled with the finest in vintage and modern Jewish music culled from our family archive of over 110 years of great recordings. Ben and I appreciate all of the great support we get from you, our great listeners. Don’t forget to forward the website to everyone you can and spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio! Here is the line-up for this week’s great program:


Ki Kael Poel-Shema Koleinu-1974

Hayom Yivoda-Mendy Wald-1999

Ha’olaich V’Shir-Children Of The Sun-1983

Iko Miko-Aaron Lebedeff-1923

L’Flati L’Toiveh-Pittsburger Nigunim-1992

Tal-Cantor Mordechai Hershman-1929

Leaving the USSR (spoof of the Beatles hit “Back In The USSR”)-Shlock Rock-1996

Fancy Herringer-Mickey Katz-1960

Sim Shalom-Cantor Avi Albrecht-1987

A Zemer-Sol Zim-1977

Mein Teirereh (My Dearest)-Jan Bart-1941

Y’Hey Raavoh-Gershon Veroba-1988

On today’s Cantorial Feature, two very nice selections by the renowned Cantor, Paul Kowarsky. Born in South Africa in 1951, he studied music under several famous Chazzanim. In 1976, he accepted a very fine position with a shul in Cincinnati. In 1982, he moved to Toronto and was very well known there. He also served as a judge for many years. The two selections are from a fine 1978 album he recorded during his tenure in Cincinnati.

1. Ad Heino

2. Rabi Chananyo Ben Akashyo Omeir


Yaaleh V’Yovo-Shalsheles

Adon Olamim-Yeshiva Boys Choir

Asher Boro (spoof of “Land Down Under” by Men At Work)-Piamentas

Oseh Shalom-Maccabeats

Ya’ah Alili-8th Day Band

Hu Elokeinu-Eitan Katz

Well, that’s the line-up for this week’s program and Ben and I hope very much that you enjoy the program. On next week’s program we will have our first hint of Passover music and you will enjoy it very much!! Thanks for listening and have a great week!!