Hi Everybody!!  Another great program is up on the website for your enjoyment!!  A great regular edition of the program with the unique mix of vintage and modern Jewish music which you can only hear on Washington Jewish Radio!!  Lots for you to enjoy and Ben and I hope you do!!


Yishlach Ezrecho Mikoidesh-Cantor Ben-Zion Miller-1977

Simen Tov U’Mazel Tov-Mordechai Ben David-1988

Ein Li Ish Milvadi-Tzvika Pick-1975

Oy, Bin Ich Meshugeh! (Oh, Am I Crazy!)-Charles Cohan-1925

Two Cents Plain-Kapelye-1994

Hu Elokeinu-Chabad Nigunim-1973

Born To Shop (spoof of Bruce Springsteen’s hit “Born To Run”)-1993

Boro Park (spoof of “New York, New York”)-1981

K’Chu-Moshe Mendlowitz-2000

Ich Zing (I Sing)-Leo Fuld-1962

Rozo D’Shabbos-Jacqui Sussholz-1990

Chemdat Yomim-Duo Reim-1972

On the Cantorial Feature, two very nice selections by Cantor Shlomo Mandel (1909-1981). Originally from Poland, he emigrated to South Africa in 1938 and was for over 35 years the Cantor of the Berea Synagogue in Johannesburg. He is remembered today for his great artistry that thrilled audiences in South Africa and around the world.

1. Aneinu-recorded in the United States in 1958

2. Sim Sholom-recorded in South Africa in 1954


Hamalach HaGoel-Yeshiva Boys Choir

Just Another Foriegner-Safam

Essa Einai-Shalsheles Choir

Back To Jerusalem-Idan Rachel Project

Ten Lo-Yaakov Shwekey

613 Commandments-Debbie Friedman

Another great show for you to enjoy!!  Ben and I thank everyone for their support of the program.  Help us to spread the good word about Washington Jewish Radio by forwarding the website to everyone you can.  Ben and I prepare the program for you, our great listeners, with the greatest of love and affection. Enjoy the program!!